I don't know what i refer.

Age 27, Female


Joined on 8/8/10

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terebella12's News

Posted by terebella12 - October 27th, 2016

I had as one month or as many weeks without playing games with medals, because I was with my project of an animation with the desire to be quite talented in terms parodies of black humor or thereabouts. I have not had classes animation far from my house lol, but that does not stop me having a desire to learn in such simple tutorials as my years really before in drawing and sketching (I'm cute to draw characters from other series and movies that I liked them). there are things to say,

I go for the interesting part ... my little practice what my next animation, and is called "I HATE ANGELA" .The synopsis: a silly, boring movie called Sleepaway Camp (counting with another 4 movies) has visceral and immoral end, which I am ashamed to see that again. I, in this parody, enter each of the end to give the villain a Reverend lesson, with all my grief for the victims who did not survive in the camps. my silhouette is steeled entering these atmospheric scenes from those movies to remove that bad taste that was Angela.

I almost did not end with that, I would submit it for Halloween Jam (for lack of time and being recently at the University), I hope to do well .I love Halloween!

me vs Angela(s) :


Posted by terebella12 - May 12th, 2011

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jejejeje you enjoy it and guess who is ........??

Posted by terebella12 - April 4th, 2011

en esta temporada del cole me aburro, pero me divierto las ganas de estar aqui junto con lindos juegos de siempre buahahaha,aburre estar en la secundaria por las algebra y fisica que perdí!
pero tambien dibujo y eso me hace bien asi que tengo pocas vacaciones en mi casa jejeje despues de las clases.

Back to School this season bored me, but I enjoy the desire to be here with buahahaha always nice games, bored to be in high school algebra and physics by which I lost!
but also drawing and that makes me well so I have few holidays at home after school lol.

Posted by terebella12 - January 27th, 2011

I love that you girls here on newgrounds, because I like having friends here, they also come the boys;) .. I like drawing girls series, especially the ponies XD
so if I would put pretty stuff in some very cool drawings "dangerous"

women living lol :D ^^!

Posted by terebella12 - January 27th, 2011

I like to play much, and I want to create drawings very xulos, yeahh it's good that there is very handsome and funny: D.
I wanted to make a very cool! and since only one but I do a few more to impress curiosito jejeje XD '.. I love alloy, hank and etcc.! but I prefer girls robots and fairies: D
this is my drawing made by me when I played a lot in newgrounds rumble:

I love this game

Posted by terebella12 - August 8th, 2010